
© Lara Herbinia
Paul-Hugo started his saxophone training at the music school in Quimper. In 2008, he obtained his DEM at the Conservatoire de Poitiers where he studied under Gilles Tressos.
Right after, he joined the CESMD (Centre d’Etudes Supérieures de Musique et de Danse) of Poitou-Charentes and continued his training under Christophe Bois. In 2011, he followed an ERASMUS exchange programme at the ESMUC (Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya) in Barcelona which allowed him to study under Nacho Gascon. In the same year, he obtained his Dîplome National Supérieur Professionnel de Musicien and the licence de Musicologie.
After having achieved his Diplôme d’État de Professeur de Saxophone, he joined the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles where he has perfected his academic training under musicians such as Simon Diricq (laureate in the Adolphe Sax International Competition), Guy Danel (founding member of Quatuor Danel) or Alain Crepin (saxophonist and conductor of a military band). He obtained there his Master de Didactique in 2014 and teaches now in France at the music school of Lille-Sud and at the Conservatoire de Roubaix.
Paul-Hugo is an eclectic musician who has often collaborated with artists coming from varied backgrounds. This has allowed him to enlist in projects which comprise classical music, street music, electronic music as well as rock and jazz.